Wednesday, October 13, 2010

blog time assignment #2

             In the very first chapter we read, I learned about the biosychososocial approach, which gave me a more understanding of ones behavior or mental process. In the second chapter that we read, thinking critically with psychological science I learned about the hindsight bias. The hindsight bias is knowing something all along. Not doing something but that once something happenes because you didnt do what you should have done then you know you should have taken care of the problem before it happened. For an example not locking your doors when not at home but once you get robbed you know you should have locked them. Then the last chapter we went through would be the Nature, Nurture, adn Human Diversity. In this one we learned about the variations within cultures. Many cultures are different from one another. In the book it states that in Arab societies men greet each other with a kiss but its not that way in western societies. Each culture group creates their own norm.
              The biopsyosocial approach I can use that to understand the reason why one might be rude to another student or why one might perform a crime. I might not be so judgmental to ones actions. In the hindsight bias I can see that all the time. For instanmce when I think that something is going to happen I can take care of the problem before it happens. Think critically of the situation and of my choices that I may have at the time. And then the variations within cultures that is a huge and obvious one!! The reason that we are at war right now is cause we don't believe in another cultures ways. To me it makes no difference what they want to do, yeah it's not right the way they treat their woman but they are in their culture and we are in ours.
           The most intriguing  thing that I have learned this sememster is psychology I think would probably have to be hindsight bias. I think that hindsight bias is a pretty cool thing because I never really thought that there was a science behind knowing things before they even happen. Now, when something happens and I know that it was going to happen, I can say "I knew that was going to happen" and there is always someone to douubt you and respond back with "no you didn't". Well now I can back it up and say "yeah I did and it's called hindsight bias!!" Although its not the same as going with your instincts!! The things I wil learn in Psychology! =)
            A couple questions that I am left with is that we know parents are a huge impact on the childrens upbringing but there has to be more, for instance I know a family of 7 and the majority of the kids are really good and go by what their parents say. They all have the same parents and the same enviroment. Then some of the kids are not so good and tend to act out. So that means that there has to be more that influnces a kid than just parents and enviroment. What is that something else?
           Psychological science is a great thing but where and how did it get started?
           In chapter one it says how wording affects the way you look at it and precieve it, well everything can't be worded jsut right for everyone, how do we "please" everyone?



On human behavior
Scientists labor
Time-effort is spent

Will he wont he?
Does she don't she?
This is the study
Of Psychology

Why we do
What we do
Thats all part 
Of Psychology too.

Genes from the pool
Study the mind
Takewhat you find.

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