Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cards =)

In this experiment I have found that the older the card gets the more jokes it makes about ones memory. When I was in the store looking at the cards I found a lot of cards for the younger ages and then once they started to get older the age groups strarted to skip around. It was like the 40 year old ones had sayings like "wow your over the hill" and then once they hit 60 it was "OMG your old!!"
The theory's of aging and aging cards are similar in many ways. The cards are more relaxed as well as the theories. All the cards that I found when I went to look for them they said how it was time to relax and time to enjoy life and make the best of what you have and the path that you chose for yourself. The theory of despair is avoided in both cards and as well as the theory of development. One does not Fear the fact that there is too little time to begin a new life path. As well as wisdom is developed once you grow older and develop. The cards mentions one's wisdom as well as the theory states that. The cards that I have read does not make statments of regretting the life that they has lived.
Another thing that I have noticed is that the cards start to say that its time to slow down as the age goes up. Start to take more time off and enjoy life more, this is called the Disengagment theory. With this however there is the fact that an older person needs to stay active in order to age well and healthily. Everyone ages differently, in different ways as well as this they view it differently too.  With this I feel that this is the reason why some cards are more serious than others. You will find a serious card, maybe a religious one, or maybe a funny one. And each and every person likes a different one. I like more of a funny one. But then my boyfriend likes to get more of a serious one that is so sincere that you start to cry. We were at Wall Mart the other day getting his dad a birthday card. I picked one out that was not serious at all and then he came up with one that was so serious I got goose bumps!! But it was so true, It explained how awesome his dad is and how he is always there for him and everything else like that. I think that the cards that you pick out is how you developed, how you were brought up. I was brought up with my parents being there but not really for me, like he was so all though these cards are great but I just can't relate to them like Chase can so it is harder for me to pick out a serious cards. I like to stick to the Harley Davidson cards for my dad and the flowers for my mom cause that is what I grew up with and I know that's what my parents like and what they and I can relate too. Over all I really enjoyed this activity and it was really different than what we usually do in this class which is a good thing!! Hope we can have more!!

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